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How online reviews helped to establish a new Algerian restaurant

  • Increase weekend booking numbers
  • Get the business on Google Maps
  • Attract more local and visiting customers
  • Set up a Business Profile on Google
  • Added opening hours and photos, and the direct booking functionality
  • Encouraged customers to leave reviews on the Khamsa Google listing
  • 39,000 searches in one month
  • Over 206,000 views in one quarter
  • 1.13k total actions in one quarter
August used to be the quietest month for me, but for the last two years it's been the busiest, and that's thanks to Google.

Djamel Ait Idir, Khamsa

About the company

Food & drink



Google reviews


Views in one quarter

About the goals

Djamel Ait Idir had always dreamed of owning his own restaurant. His plan: to use fresh ingredients and authentic Algerian recipes, served in a homely environment. But when his restaurant Khamsa first opened its doors, low weekend booking numbers raised concerns about the location. In response, Djamel needed to put his business on the map and catch the eyes of both local and wider London customers who tend to eat more traditionally.


Djamel created a Business Profile on Google to make sure people searching for ‘Algerian restaurants' could find Khamsa, check opening times, read reviews and book a table all in one place. He also engaged with happy diners in his restaurant and posed for pictures to accompany their reviews. That way, anyone searching would get a real sense of the Khamsa dining experience – before they even stepped through the front door.

Business Profile on Google

A product from Google My Business that lets you create and manage your Business Profile on Google so that people can see your business when carrying out search and Google Maps. Business Profile on Google is a free business listing that appears in search results.

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Before Khamsa had a Business Profile on Google, the restaurant would often be empty on a Friday night. Now, Djamel says, he has multiple bookings every evening and Google has become his main source of customer referrals. Khamsa is attracting locals and diners from further afield, all of whom come to try authentic Algerian food in a friendly environment. With demand still rising, Djamel has new markets to consider – an exciting prospect for a new business.

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